Common Knee Injuries

In most cases, athletes suffer knee injuries as the result of a sudden trauma or impact such as a direct hit to the knee or from a change of direction while the foot is planted. In other instances, knee injuries may be the result of overexertion and muscular imbalance which forces the knee to be repetitively strained. It is important to see a Sports Medicine Specialist at the first sign of knee pain as many knee conditions are progressive and will worsen if left untreated. Meniscus Tears ACL Injuries MCL / PCL Injuries Tendonitis of the Knee Patellofemoral Pain (Jumper’s Knee or Runner’s Knee) Hamstring Injuries Knee Instability Patellar Dislocation Dr Abdul D Khan MBBS(AMC, Vizag) MRCS(Edin, UK) MRCS(Glasg, UK) FRCS(Tr & Orth, UK) CCT(Tr & Orth, UK)